DFARS 252.227-7033 Rights in Shop Drawings. Basic (Apr 1966) (Current)

As prescribed at 227.7107-1(c), the Government shall obtain unlimited rights in shop drawings for construction. In solicitations and contracts calling for delivery of shop drawings, include the clause at 252.227-7033, Rights in Shop Drawings.


      (a)  Shop drawings for construction means drawings, submitted to the Government by the Construction Contractor, subcontractor or any lower-tier subcontractor pursuant to a construction contract, showing in detail (i) the proposed fabrication and assembly of structural elements and (ii) the installation (i.e., form, fit, and attachment details) of materials or equipment.  The Government may duplicate, use, and disclose in any manner and for any purpose shop drawings delivered under this contract.

      (b)  This clause, including this paragraph (b), shall be included in all subcontracts hereunder at any tier.

(End of clause)

(b) This clause, including this paragraph (b), shall be included in all subcontracts hereunder at any tier.
Mandatory (Exception);
Services ✖ Supplies ✖ Construction ✔ 

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