DFARS 252.239-7012 Title to Telecommunication Facilities and Equipment. Basic (Dec 1991) (Current)

As prescribed in 239.7411(b), use the following clauses in solicitations, contracts, and basic agreements for telecommunications services when the acquisition includes or may include special construction.
TITLE TO TELECOMMUNICATION FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT (DEC 1991) (a) Title to all Contractor furnished facilities and equipment used under this agreement/contract shall remain with the Contractor even if the Government paid the costs of constructing the facilities or equipment. A mutually accepted communications service authorization may provide for exceptions. (b) The Contractor shall operate and maintain all telecommunication facilities and equipment used under this agreement/contract whether the Government or the Contractor has title. (End of clause)
Supplies ✖ Subcontractor ✖ IT ✔ when the acquisition includes or may include special construction.

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