DOE 952.217-70 Acquisition of real property. Basic (Mar 2011) (Current)

As prescribed in 917.7403, the clause at 952.217-70, Acquisition of Real Property, shall be included in contracts including modifications where contractor acquisitions of real property are expected to be made.

Acquisition of Real Property (MAR 2011)

(a) Notwithstanding any other provision of the contract, the prior approval of the Contracting Officer shall be obtained when, in performance of this contract, the Contractor acquires or proposes to acquire use of real property by:

    (1) Purchase, on the Government's behalf or in the Contractor's own name, with title eventually vesting in the Government.

    (2) Lease for which the Department of Energy will reimburse the incurred costs as a reimbursable contract cost.

    (3) Acquisition of temporary interest through easement, license or permit, and the Government funds the entire cost of the temporary interest.

(b) Justification of and execution of any real property acquisitions shall be in accordance and compliance with directions provided by the Contracting Officer.

(c) The substance of this clause, including this paragraph (c), shall be included in any subcontract occasioned by this contract under which property described in paragraph (a) of this clause shall be acquired.

(End of clause)

The substance of this clause, including this paragraph (c), shall be included in any subcontract occasioned by this contract under which property described in paragraph (a) of this clause shall be acquired.

Mandatory (Exception);
(Applies to contracts where contractor acquisitions of real property are expected to be made.)

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