FAR 52.236-25 Requirements for Registration of Designers. Basic (Jun 2003) (Current)

As prescribed in 36.609-4, insert the clause at 52.236-25, Requirements for Registration of Designers, in architect-engineer contracts, except that it may be omitted when the design will be performed— (a) Outside the United States and its outlying areas; or (b) In a State or outlying area of the United States that does not have registration requirements for the particular field involved.

Requirements for Registration of Designers (June 2003)

Architects or engineers registered to practice in the particular professional field involved in a State, the District of Columbia, or an outlying area of the United States shall prepare or review and approve the design of architectural, structural, mechanical, electrical, civil, or other engineering features of the work.

(End of clause)


Prime’s Interest;
Services ✖ Outside U.S. ✖ Supplies ✖ Architect-Eng ✔ Construction ✖ 

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