GSA 552.236-81 Use of Equipment by the Government. Basic (Apr 1984) (Current)

As prescribed in 536.570-12, insert the clause at 552.236-81, Use of Equipment by the Government, in contracts requiring heating and air-conditioning of existing buildings if it may be necessary for the Government to operate all or part of the equipment before final acceptance of the contract.

Use of Equipment by the Government (Apr 1984)

(a) The Government may take over and operate, with Government employees, such equipment as is necessary for heating or cooling such areas of the building as require the service, as soon as the installation is sufficiently complete.

(b) The Contracting Officer will advise the Contractor by letter, prior to the use of equipment, which items of equipment will be operated, and the date and time such operation will begin.

(c) Government operation of equipment will not relieve the Contractor of the one-year guarantee on materials and workmanship elsewhere provided for in this contract.

(d) The guarantee period, elsewhere provided for in this contract, for each piece of equipment shall be in accordance with the “Guarantees” clause of this contract.

(End of clause)


Prime’s Interest;
Services ✖ Supplies ✖ Construction ✔ Architect-Eng ✖ (Applies to contracts requiring heating and air-conditioning of existing buildings if it may be necessary for the Government to operate all or part of the equipment before final acceptance of the contract..)

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