HSAR 3052.217-94 Lay days (USCG). Basic (Dec 2003) (Current)

As prescribed in USCG guidance at (HSAR) 48 CFR 3017.9000(a) and (b), this clause may be included in sealed bid fixed-price solicitations and contracts for vessel repair, alteration, or conversion which are to be performed within the United States, its possessions, or Puerto Rico. Unless inappropriate, this clause may be included in 
negotiated solicitations and contracts to be performed outside the United States. 

LAY DAYS (DEC 2003) 

(a) Lay day time will be paid by the Government at the Contractor's stipulated bid price for this item of the contract when the vessel remains on the dry dock or marine railway as a result of any change that involves work in addition to that required under the basic contract.

(b) No lay day time shall be paid until all items of the basic contract for which a price was established by the Contractor and for which docking of the vessel was required have been satisfactorily completed and accepted.

(c) Days of hauling out and floating, whatever the hour, shall not be paid as lay day time, and days when no work is performed by the Contractor shall not be paid as lay day time.

(d) Payment of lay day time shall constitute complete compensation for all costs, direct and indirect, to reimburse the Contractor for use of dry dock or marine railway.

(End of clause)

Prime’s Interest;
C/R ✖ Time and Materials ✖ Vessels Repair ✔ 

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