NASA 1852.217-72 Phased Procurement Using Progressive Competition Down-Selection Procedures. Basic (NOV 2011) (Current)

As prescribed in 1817.7002(b), the contracting officer shall insert the clause at 1852.217-72, Phased Acquisition Using Progressive Competition Down-Selection Procedures, in solicitations and contracts for phased acquisitions using the progressive competition technique. The clause may be modified as appropriate if the acquisition has more than two phases. The clause shall be included in the initial phase solicitation and all contracts except that for the final phase.


(a) This solicitation is for the acquisition of ________ [insert Program title]. The acquisition will be conducted as a two-phased procurement using a progressive competition down-selection technique between phases. In this technique, two or more contractors will be selected for Phase 1. It is expected that the single contractor for Phase 2 will be chosen from among these contractors after a competitive down-selection.

(b) Phase 1 is for the ________ [insert purpose of phase]. Phase 2 is for ________[insert general Phase 2 goals].

(c) The competition for Phase 2 will be based on the results of Phase 1, and the award criteria for Phase 2 will include successful completion of Phase 1 requirements.

(d) NASA does not intend to issue a separate, formal solicitation for Phase 2. Instead, Phase 2 proposals will be requested from the Phase 1 contractors by means of ________ [indicate method of requesting proposals, e.g., by a letter]. All information required for preparation of Phase 2 proposals, including the final evaluation criteria and factors, will be provided at that time.

(e) Phase 2 will be synopsized in the Governmentwide Point of Entry (GPE) in accordance with FAR 5.201 and 5.203 unless one of the exceptions in FAR 5.202 applies.

Notwithstanding NASA's expectation that only the Phase 1 contractors will be capable of successfully competing for Phase 2, all proposals will be considered. Any other responsible source may indicate its desire to submit a proposal by responding to the Phase 2 synopsis, and NASA will provide that source all the material furnished to the Phase 1 contractors necessary to submit a proposal.

(f) To be considered for Phase 2 award, offerors must demonstrate a design maturity equivalent to that of the Phase 1 contractors. This demonstration shall include the following Phase 1 deliverables upon which Phase 2 award will be based: ________ [insert the specific Phase 1 deliverables]. Failure to fully and completely demonstrate the appropriate level of design maturity may render the proposal unacceptable with no further consideration for contract award.

(g) The following draft Phase 2 evaluation factors are provided for your information.

Please note that these evaluation factors are not final, and NASA reserves the right to change them at any time up to and including the date upon which Phase 2 proposals are requested. Any such changes in evaluation factors will not necessitate issuance of a new, formal solicitation for Phase 2. [Insert draft Phase 2 evaluation factors (and subfactors, if available), including demonstration of successful completion of Phase 1 requirements.]

(h) Although NASA will request Phase 2 proposals from Phase 1 contractors, submission of the Phase 2 proposal is not a requirement of the Phase 1 contract. Accordingly, the costs of preparing these proposals shall not be a direct charge to the Phase 1 contract or any other Government contract.

(i) The anticipated schedule for conducting this phased procurement is provided for your information. These dates are projections only and are not intended to commit NASA to complete a particular action at a given time. [Insert dates below]. 

Phase 1 award - 
Phase 2 synopsis -
Phase 2 proposal requested -
Phase 2 proposal receipt -
Phase 2 award –

(End of clause)

Subcontractor ✖ 

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