NASA 1852.223-73 Safety and Health Plan. Alt I (Jul 2015) (Current)

As prescribed inAs prescribed in 1823.7001(c), the contracting officer shall insert the provision at 1852.223-73, Safety and Health Plan, in solicitations above the simplified acquisition threshold when the work will be conducted completely or partly on a Federally-controlled facility and the safety and health plan will be evaluated in source selection as approved by the source selection authority. This provision may be modified to identify specific information that is to be included in the plan. After receiving the concurrence of the center safety and occupational health official(s), the contracting officer shall incorporate the plan as an attachment into any resulting contract. The contracting officer shall insert the provision, with its Alternate I, in Invitations for Bid.


As prescribed in 1823.7001(c), delete the first sentence in paragraph (a) of the basic provision and substitute the following:

The apparent low bidder, upon request by the Contracting Officer, shall submit a detailed safety and occupational health plan. The plan shall be submitted within the time specified by the Contracting Officer. Failure to submit an acceptable plan shall make the bidder ineligible for the award of a contract.

NONE, but (b), the plan shall similarly address subcontractor employee safety and occupational health for those proposed subcontracts or subcontract effort where the work will be conducted completely or partly on a Federally-controlled facility.

Prime’s Interest;
Contractor Site ✖ Contracts ✖ (Applies only to Invitations for Bid);

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