NASA 1852.227-17 [Reserved]/[Removed] Basic (Aug 1997) (Archived)

This clause has been deleted from NSF in August 2018
As prescribed in 1827.409(i), the contract officer shall modify the clause at FAR 52.227-17, Rights in Data--Special Works by adding paragraph (f) as set forth in 1852.227-17.

This clause has been deleted from NSF in August 2018

Rights in Data--Special Works.

As prescribed in 1827.409(i), add the following paragraph (f) to the basic clause at FAR 52.227-17:

(f) Whenever the words "establish" and "establishment" are used in this clause, with reference to a claim to copyright, they shall be construed to mean "assert" and "asser­tion", respectively.

(End of addition)

Contracts ✖ 
⚠ =52.227-17 Basic

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