USAID 752.225-70 Source and nationality requirements. Basic (Feb 2012) (Current)

As prescribed in 725.703, insert the clause at 752.225-70, Source and Nationality Requirements in all USAID program-funded solicitations and contracts for goods or services, unless source and nationality requirements do not apply as set forth at 22 CFR 228.02.

Source and Nationality Requirements (FEB 2012)

(a) Except as may be specifically approved by the contracting officer, the contractor must procure all commodities (e.g., equipment, materials, vehicles, supplies) and services (including commodity transportation services) in accordance with the requirements at 22 CFR part 228 “Rules on Procurement of Commodities and Services Financed by USAID.” The authorized source for procurement is Geographic Code 937 unless otherwise specified in the schedule of this contract. Guidance on eligibility of specific goods or services may be obtained from the contracting officer.

(b) Ineligible goods and services. The contractor must not procure any of the following goods or services under this contract:

(1) Military equipment;

(2) Surveillance equipment;

(3) Commodities and services for support of police and other law enforcement activities;

(4) Abortion equipment and services;

(5) Luxury goods and gambling equipment; or

(6) Weather modification equipment.

(c) Restricted goods. The contractor must obtain prior written approval of the contracting officer or comply with required procedures under an applicable waiver as provided by the contracting officer when procuring any of the following goods or services:

(1) Agricultural commodities;

(2) Motor vehicles;

(3) Pharmaceuticals and contraceptive items;

(4) Pesticides;

(5) Fertilizer;

(6) Used equipment; or

(7) U.S. Government-owned excess property.

If USAID determines that the contractor has procured any of these specific restricted goods under this contract without the prior written authorization of the contracting officer or fails to comply with required procedures under an applicable waiver as provided by the contracting officer, and has received payment for such purposes, the contracting officer may require the contractor to refund the entire amount of the purchase.

(End of clause)

[79 FR 74998, Dec. 16, 2014]

Prime’s Interest;

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