FAR 52.248-3 Value Engineering-Construction. Basic (Oct 2020) (Current)

The contracting officer shall insert the clause at 52.248-3 , Value Engineering-Construction, in construction solicitations and contracts when the contract amount is estimated to exceed the simplified acquisition threshold, unless an incentive contract is contemplated. The contracting officer may include the clause in contracts of lesser value if the contracting officer sees a potential for significant savings. The contracting officer shall not include the clause in incentive-type construction contracts. If the head of the contracting activity determines that the cost of computing and tracking collateral savings for a contract will exceed the benefits to be derived, the contracting officer shall use the clause with its AlternateI.

Value Engineering-Construction (Oct 2020)

      (a) General. The Contractor is encouraged to develop, prepare, and submit value engineering change proposals (VECP’s) voluntarily. The Contractor shall share in any instant contract savings realized from accepted VECP’s, in accordance with paragraph (f) of this clause.

      (b) Definitions. “Collateral costs,” as used in this clause, means agency costs of operation, maintenance, logistic support, or Government-furnished property.

      Collateral savings, as used in this clause, means those measurable net reductions resulting from a VECP in the agency’s overall projected collateral costs, exclusive of acquisition savings, whether or not the acquisition cost changes.

      Contractor’s development and implementation costs, as used in this clause, means those costs the Contractor incurs on a VECP specifically in developing, testing, preparing, and submitting the VECP, as well as those costs the Contractor incurs to make the contractual changes required by Government acceptance of a VECP.

      Government costs, as used in this clause, means those agency costs that result directly from developing and implementing the VECP, such as any net increases in the cost of testing, operations, maintenance, and logistic support. The term does not include the normal administrative costs of processing the VECP.

      Instant contract savings, as used in this clause, means the estimated reduction in Contractor cost of performance resulting from acceptance of the VECP, minus allowable Contractor’s development and implementation costs, including subcontractors’ development and implementation costs (see paragraph (h) of this clause).

      Value engineering change proposal (VECP) means a proposal that-

           (1) Requires a change to this, the instant contract, to implement; and

           (2) Results in reducing the contract price or estimated cost without impairing essential functions or characteristics; provided, that it does not involve a change-

                (i) In deliverable end item quantities only; or

                (ii) To the contract type only.

      (c) VECP preparation. As a minimum, the Contractor shall include in each VECP the information described in paragraphs (c)(1) through (7) of this clause. If the proposed change is affected by contractually required configuration management or similar procedures, the instructions in those procedures relating to format, identification, and priority assignment shall govern VECP preparation. The VECP shall include the following:

           (1) A description of the difference between the existing contract requirement and that proposed, the comparative advantages and disadvantages of each, a justification when an item’s function or characteristics are being altered, and the effect of the change on the end item’s performance.

           (2) A list and analysis of the contract requirements that must be changed if the VECP is accepted, including any suggested specification revisions.

           (3) A separate, detailed cost estimate for (i) the affected portions of the existing contract requirement and (ii) the VECP. The cost reduction associated with the VECP shall take into account the Contractor’s allowable development and implementation costs, including any amount attributable to subcontracts under paragraph (h) of this clause.

           (4) A description and estimate of costs the Government may incur in implementing the VECP, such as test and evaluation and operating and support costs.

           (5) A prediction of any effects the proposed change would have on collateral costs to the agency.

           (6) A statement of the time by which a contract modification accepting the VECP must be issued in order to achieve the maximum cost reduction, noting any effect on the contract completion time or delivery schedule.

           (7) Identification of any previous submissions of the VECP, including the dates submitted, the agencies and contract numbers involved, and previous Government actions, if known.

      (d) Submission. The Contractor shall submit VECP’s to the Resident Engineer at the worksite, with a copy to the Contracting Officer.

      (e) Government action. 

(1) The Contracting Officer will notify the Contractor of the status of the VECP within 45 calendar days after the contracting office receives it. If additional time is required, the Contracting Officer will notify the Contractor within the 45-day period and provide the reason for the delay and the expected date of the decision. The Government will process VECP’s expeditiously; however, it will not be liable for any delay in acting upon a VECP.

           (2) If the VECP is not accepted, the Contracting Officer will notify the Contractor in writing, explaining the reasons for rejection. The Contractor may withdraw any VECP, in whole or in part, at any time before it is accepted by the Government. The Contracting Officer may require that the Contractor provide written notification before undertaking significant expenditures for VECP effort.

           (3) Any VECP may be accepted, in whole or in part, by the Contracting Officer’s award of a modification to this contract citing this clause. The Contracting Officer may accept the VECP, even though an agreement on price reduction has not been reached, by issuing the Contractor a notice to proceed with the change. Until a notice to proceed is issued or a contract modification applies a VECP to this contract, the Contractor shall perform in accordance with the existing contract. The decision to accept or reject all or part of any VECP is a unilateral decision made solely at the discretion of the Contracting Officer.

      (f) Sharing- 

(1) Rates. The Government’s share of savings is determined by subtracting Government costs from instant contract savings and multiplying the result by-

                (i) 45 percent for fixed-price contracts; or

                (ii) 75 percent for cost-reimbursement contracts.

           (2) Payment. Payment of any share due the Contractor for use of a VECP on this contract shall be authorized by a modification to this contract to-

                (i) Accept the VECP;

                (ii) Reduce the contract price or estimated cost by the amount of instant contract savings; and

                (iii) Provide the Contractor’s share of savings by adding the amount calculated to the contract price or fee.

      (g) Collateral savings. If a VECP is accepted, the Contracting Officer will increase the instant contract amount by 20 percent of any projected collateral savings determined to be realized in a typical year of use after subtracting any Government costs not previously offset. However, the Contractor’s share of collateral savings will not exceed the contract’s firm-fixed-price or estimated cost, at the time the VECP is accepted, or $100,000, whichever is greater. The Contracting Officer is the sole determiner of the amount of collateral savings.

      (h) Subcontracts. The Contractor shall include an appropriate value engineering clause in any subcontract of $75,000 or more and may include one in subcontracts of lesser value. In computing any adjustment in this contract’s price under paragraph (f) of this clause, the Contractor’s allowable development and implementation costs shall include any subcontractor’s allowable development and implementation costs clearly resulting from a VECP accepted by the Government under this contract, but shall exclude any value engineering incentive payments to a subcontractor. The Contractor may choose any arrangement for subcontractor value engineering incentive payments; provided, that these payments shall not reduce the Government’s share of the savings resulting from the VECP.

      (i) Data. The Contractor may restrict the Government’s right to use any part of a VECP or the supporting data by marking the following legend on the affected parts:

     These data, furnished under the Value Engineering-Construction clause of contract ___________, shall not be disclosed outside the Government or duplicated, used, or disclosed, in whole or in part, for any purpose other than to evaluate a value engineering change proposal submitted under the clause. This restriction does not limit the Government’s right to use information contained in these data if it has been obtained or is otherwise available from the Contractor or from another source without limitations.

     If a VECP is accepted, the Contractor hereby grants the Government unlimited rights in the VECP and supporting data, except that, with respect to data qualifying and submitted as limited rights technical data, the Government shall have the rights specified in the contract modification implementing the VECP and shall appropriately mark the data. (The terms “unlimited rights” and “limited rights” are defined in part  27 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation.)

(End of clause)

(h) Subcontracts. The Contractor shall include an appropriate value engineering clause in any subcontract of $75,000 or more and may include one in subcontracts of lesser value. In computing any adjustment in this contract’s price under paragraph (f) of this clause, the Contractor’s allowable development and implementation costs shall include any subcontractor’s allowable development and implementation costs clearly resulting from a VECP accepted by the Government under this contract, but shall exclude any value engineering incentive payments to a subcontractor. The Contractor may choose any arrangement for subcontractor value engineering incentive payments; provided, that these payments shall not reduce the Government’s share of the savings resulting from the VECP.

Mandatory (Exception);
Services ✖ Supplies ✖ Construction ✔ Architect-Eng ✖ 

52.209-1 Qualification Requirements.

52.213-4 Terms and Conditions—Simplified Acquisitions (Other Than Commercial Products and Commercial Services).

52.246-1 Contractor Inspection Requirements.

52.246-11 Higher-Level Contract Quality Requirement.

52.246-12 Inspection of Construction.

52.246-13 Inspection-Dismantling, Demolition, or Removal of Improvements.

52.246-14 Inspection of Transportation.

52.246-15 Certificate of Conformance.

52.246-16 Responsibility for Supplies.

52.246-2 Inspection of Supplies-Fixed-Price.

52.246-3 Inspection of Supplies-Cost-Reimbursement.

52.246-4 Inspection of Services-Fixed-Price.

52.246-5 Inspection of Services-Cost-Reimbursement.

52.246-6 Inspection-Time-and-Material and Labor-Hour.

52.246-7 Inspection of Research and Development-Fixed-Price.

52.246-8 Inspection of Research and Development-Cost-Reimbursement.

52.246-9 Inspection of Research and Development (Short Form).

52.247-4 Inspection of Shipping and Receiving Facilities.

52.246-26 Reporting Nonconforming Items.

52.204-26 Covered Telecommunications Equipment or Services-Representation.

52.212-4 Contract Terms and Conditions—Commercial Products and Commercial Services.

52.204-28 Federal Acquisition Supply Chain Security Act Orders-Federal Supply Schedules, Governmentwide Acquisition Contracts, and Multi-Agency Contracts.

52.204-30 Federal Acquisition Supply Chain Security Act Orders-Prohibition.

52.223-23 Sustainable Products and Services.

252.232-7018 Progress Payments-Multiple Lots.

252.217-7005 Inspection and Manner of Doing Work.

252.228-7005 Mishap Reporting and Investigation Involving Aircraft, Missiles, and Space Launch Vehicles.

252.239-7000 Protection Against Compromising Emanations.

252.225-7065 Restriction on Acquisition of Fuel for Overseas Contingency Operations.

252.215-7015 Program Should-Cost Review.

1852.246-71 Government Contract Quality Assurance.

1852.246-72 Material Inspection and Receiving Report.

1852.246-74 Contractor Counterfeit Electronic Part Detection and Avoidance



5252.246-9503 Significance of Systems Engineering Technical Reviews Required under this Contract (NAVAIR)

3052.217-92 Inspection and manner of doing work (USCG).

3052.217-96 Title (USCG).

3052.217-100 Guarantee (USCG).

5152.236-5900 Electrical and Structural Building Standards for Construction Projects

552.238-119 Single-use Plastic (SUP) Free Packaging Availability.

552.238-120 Economic Price Adjustment—Federal Supply Schedule Contracts.

552.270-9 Inspection—Right of Entry.

552.211-70 Substantial Completion.

552.246-70 Source Inspection by Quality Approved Manufacturer.

552.236-11 Use and Possession Prior to Completion.

552.236-6 Superintendence by the Contractor.

552.236-15 Schedules for Construction Contracts.

552.236-21 Specifications and Drawings for Construction.

552.238-95 Separate Charge for Performance Oriented Packaging (POP).

552.238-96 Separate Charge for Delivery within Consignee's Premises.

552.238-100 Transshipments.

552.238-109 Authentication Supplies and Services.

552.238-110 Commercial Satellite Communication (COMSATCOM) Services.

752.226-70 Trade and Investment Activities and the ‘‘Impact on U.S. Jobs’’ and ‘‘Workers’ Rights.’’

752.231-72 Conference Planning and Required Approval

752.239-71 Information and Communication Technology Accessibility.

752.227-71 Planning, Collection, and Submission of Digital Information to USAID.

752.242-71 Activity Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning Plan.

752.7003 Documentation for Payment.

752.7006 Notices.

752.7007 Personnel Compensation.

752.7010 Conversion of U.S. Dollars to Local Currency.

752.7015 Use of Pouch Facilities.

752.7025 Approvals.

752.7030 Inspection Trips by Contractor's Officers and Executives.

970.5204-3 Access to and ownership of records.

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