Army 5152.225-5900 Arming Requirements and Procedures for Personal Security Services Contractors and Requests for Personal Protection Basic (Aug 2014) (Current)

This clause has not been authorized for official release. We recommend deferring to the text of the clause in your RFP or contract.
As prescribed in AI 5125.7703-5(S-100)(a), insert clause 5152.225-5900, Arming Requirements and Procedures for Personal Security Services Contractors and for Requests for Personal Protection, in all contracts with performance in Afghanistan that require arming of contractors.


(a) General. Contractor and its subcontractors at all tiers that require arming under this contract agree to obey all laws, regulations, orders, and directives applicable to the use of private security personnel in Afghanistan, including U.S. CENTCOM, and United States Forces - Afghanistan (USFOR-A) Commander orders, instructions, and directives. Contractors will ensure that all employees, including employees at any tier of subcontracting relationships armed under the provisions of this contract, comply with the contents of this clause and with the requirements set forth in the following:

    (1) DODI 3020.50, Private Security Contractors (PSCs) Operating in Contingency Operations;

    (2) DODI 3020.41, Operational Contract Support

    (3) DFARS 252.225-7995, Contractor Personnel Performing in the United States Central Command Area of Responsibility (Class Deviation 2014-O0018)(JUN 2014)

    (6) USFOR-A, FRAGO 13-036, Outlines Management of Armed Contractors and Private Security Companies Operating in the Combined Joint Operations Area - Afghanistan (CJOA-A);

    (7) U.S. CENTCOM Policy and Delegation of Authority for Personal Protection and Contract Security Service Arming of DoD Civilian Personnel, dated 18 Jan 2011.

(b) Required Contractor Documentation. Contractors and their subcontractors at all tiers that require arming approval shall provide to the arming approval authority via the COR consistent documentation (signed and dated by the employee and employer as applicable) for each of their employees who will seek authorization to be armed under the contract as follows:

    (1) Weapons Qualification/Familiarization. All employees must meet the weapons qualification requirements on the requested weapon(s) established by any DoD or other U.S. government agency, Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC); Rules for the Use of Force (RUF), as defined in the U.S. CENTCOM Policy, dated 23 December 2005; and distinction between the above-prescribed RUF and the Rules of Engagement (ROE), which are applicable only to military forces.

    (2) Completed DD Form 2760 (or equivalent documentation) for each armed employee, indicating that the employee is not otherwise prohibited under U.S. law from possessing the required weapon or ammunition.

    (3) Written acknowledgement by the individual of the fulfillment of training responsibilities and the conditions for the authorization to carry firearms. This document includes the acknowledgement of the distinctions between the ROE applicable to military forces and RUF that control the use of weapons by DoD civilians, DoD contractors and PSCs.

    (4) Written acknowledgement signed by both the armed employee and by a representative of the employing company that use of weapons could subject both the individual and company to U.S. and host nation prosecution and civil liability.

    (5) A copy of the contract between the contractor’s company and the U.S. Government that verifies the individual’s employment and addresses the need to be armed.

    (6) One (1) copy of a business license from the Afghani Ministry of Trade or Interior.

    (7) One (1) copy of a license to operate as a PSC (or a temporary operating license) from the Ministry of Interior.

(c) Communication Plan. The contractor will submit to the COR a communications plan that, at a minimum, sets forth the following:

    (1) The contractor’s method of notifying military forces when requesting assistance where hostilities arise, combat action is needed, or serious incidents have been observed.

    (2) How relevant threat information will be shared between contractor security personnel and U.S. military forces.

    (3) How the contractor will coordinate transportation with appropriate USFOR-A authorities.

(d) Plan for Accomplishing Employee Vetting. The contractor will submit to the COR an acceptable plan for vetting all contractor and subcontractor employees. The contractor shall, at a minimum, perform the following (which will be specifically addressed in its plan):

    (1) Local Nationals: Perform Local and National Agency background checks in accordance with Host Nation Government policies and protocols.

    (2) Use one or more of the following sources when conducting the background checks on Third Country Nationals: Interpol, FBI, Country of Origin Criminal Records, Country of Origin U.S. Embassy Information Request, or CIA records.

    (3) All local nationals and third country nationals will voluntarily submit to full biometric enrollment in accordance with theater biometric policies prior to submitting arming requests. All local nationals and third country nationals will voluntarily submit to routine biometric screening in accordance with local installation policies and procedures. The contractor will immediately notify the COR, local installation Force Protection agency, and the theater arming approval authority of any individuals who are revealed as potential security risks during biometric processing.

    (4) The Contractor shall provide to the COR official written certification of candidate(s) suitability for employment. This certification may address multiple employees on a single certification but must clearly state each employee was vetted in accordance with the Contractor’s plan for accomplishing employee vetting.

(e) Penalties for Non-Compliance. Failure of contractor or subcontractor employee(s) to comply with the laws, regulations, orders, and rules (including those specified herein) governing the use of force, training, arming authorization, and incident reporting requirements may result in the revocation of weapons authorization for such employee(s). Where appropriate, such failure may also result in the total revocation of weapons authorization for the contractor (or subcontractor) and sanctions under the contract, including termination.

(f) Criminal and Civil Liability. Arming of contractor or subcontractor employees under this contract may subject the contractor, its subcontractors, and persons employed by the same to the civil and criminal jurisdiction of the U.S. and Host Nation. “Host Nation” refers to the nation or nations where services under this contract are performed. Additionally, the arming authority’s authorization letter is valid for a maximum of twelve (12) months from the date of the prior letter (unless authorization is earlier invalidated by a lapse in training).

(g) Lapses in Training or Authorization. Failure to successfully retrain an employee who has been properly authorized to be armed under this contract within twelve (12) months of the last training date will constitute a lapse in the employee’s authorization to possess and carry the weapon. All unauthorized employees will immediately surrender their weapon and authorization letter to the contractor and will remain unarmed until such time as they are retrained and newly approved by the arming authority.

(h) Authorized Weapon & Ammunition Types. Unless the Deputy Commander of USCENTCOM (DCDRUSCENTCOM), or a designee, expressly provides otherwise, all arming requests and authorizations for contractor or subcontractor employees under this contract shall be limited to U.S. Government-approved weapons and ammunition. Notwithstanding Host Nation laws or regulations that would allow use of heavier weapons by contract security/PSC, all DoD security service/PSC contractors must have weapons approved by the DCDRUSCENTCOM, or a designee, before use. This restriction applies to all weapons in the possession of contractor employees, even if such weapons are required for personal protection. The following weapons and ammunition are currently authorized by the arming authority for use in Afghanistan:

    (1) The M9, M4, M16, or equivalent (e.g. .45 CAL, AK-47).

    (2) The M9 or equivalent sidearm will be the standard personal protection weapon unless other weapons are specifically requested and approved.

    (3) Standard authorized weapons are selectable fire semi-automatic weapons only. All Non-U.S. and Non-standard weapons must be submitted to the theater arming authority for review and approval. Non-standard weapons are classified as any machine gun, belt- fed or crew served weapon or any weapon utilizing ammunition greater than 7.62mm X 51mm NATO. Contractors must also provide SCO-Arecards and criteria for qualification appropriate to the Non-standard weapon’s caliber.

    (4) U.S. government Ball ammunition is the standard approved ammunition.

(i) Requirements for Individual Weapons Possession. All employees of the contractor and its subcontractors at all tiers who are authorized to be armed under this contract must:

    (1) Possess only those U.S. Government-approved weapons and ammunition for which they are qualified under the training requirements of section (b) and subsequently authorized to carry.

    (2) Carry weapons only when on duty or at a specific post (according to their authorization).

    (3) Not conceal any weapons, unless specifically authorized.

    (4) Carry proof of authorization to be armed. Employees not possessing such proof will be deemed unauthorized and must surrender their weapon to their employer.

    (5) IAW USCENTCOM G.O. #1, consumption of alcohol or use of any intoxicating substances which may impair judgment, medication or otherwise is prohibited. In the event of a suspension or an exception to G.O. #1, employees shall not consume any alcoholic beverage while armed or within eight (8) hours of the next work period when they will be armed. There are no circumstances under which a person will be authorized to consume any alcoholic beverage or use any judgment impairing substance when armed for personal protection.

(j) Weapons/Equipment Restrictions and Responsibilities. Unless otherwise provided, the U.S. Government will not provide any weapons or ammunition to contractors, their subcontractors, or any employees of the same. The Contractor will provide all weapons and ammunition to those employees that will be armed under the contract. The contractor and its subcontractors at all tiers will also provide interceptor body armor, ballistic helmets, and the Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical (NBC) protective masks to those employees that require such equipment in the performance of their duties.

(k) Rules for the Use of Force (RUF) (Afghanistan only). In addition to the RUF and ROE training referenced in paragraph (b), the contractor and its subcontractors at all tiers will monitor and report all activities of its armed employees that may violate the RUF and/or otherwise trigger reporting requirements as serious incidents. Prompt reporting demonstrates a desire by the contractor and its subcontractors to minimize the impact of any violations and, therefore, will be given favorable consideration. Violations of the RUF include, though are not limited to:

    (1) Taking a direct part in hostilities or combat actions, other than to exercise self-defense.

    (2) Failing to cooperate with Coalition and Host Nation forces.

    (3) Using deadly force, other than in self-defense where there is a reasonable belief of imminent risk of death or serious bodily harm.

    (4) Failing to use a graduated force approach.

    (5) Failing to treat the local civilians with humanity or respect.

    (6) Detaining local civilians, other than in self-defense or as reflected in the contract terms.

(l) Retention and Review of Records. The Contractor and all subcontractors at all tiers shall maintain records on weapons training, LOAC, RUF and the screening of employees for at least six (6) months following the expiration (or termination) of the contract. The Contractor and its subcontractors at all tiers shall make these records available to the Contracting Officer or designated representative, at no additional cost to the government, within 72 hours of a request.

(m) Contractor Vehicles. Vehicles used by contractor and subcontractor personnel in the course of their security duties shall not be painted or marked to resemble U.S./Coalition or host nation military and police force vehicles.

(n) Monthly Reporting. The prime contractor will report monthly arming status to the Contracting Officer responsible for this contract, and any other organization designated by the Contracting Officer in accordance with theater policy and the timelines defined in the Performance Work Statement.

(End of Clause)

Contractor and its subcontractors at all tiers that require arming under this contract agree to obey all laws, regulations, orders, and directives applicable to the use of private security personnel in Afghanistan, including U.S. CENTCOM, and United States Forces - Afghanistan (USFOR-A) Commander orders, instructions, and directives.

Prime’s obligation;
Domestic ✖ (Applies to all contracts with performance in Afghanistan that require arming of contractors.)

52.209-10 Prohibition on Contracting with Inverted Domestic Corporations.

52.214-27 Price Reduction for Defective Certified Cost or Pricing Data-Modifications-Sealed Bidding.

52.215-10 Price Reduction for Defective Certified Cost or Pricing Data.

52.216-24 Limitation of Government Liability.

52.222-12 Contract Termination-Debarment.

52.222-50 Combating Trafficking in Persons.

52.222-55 Minimum Wages for Contractor Workers Under Executive Order 14026.

52.228-1 Bid Guarantee.

52.228-8 Liability and Insurance-Leased Motor Vehicles.

52.232-27 Prompt Payment for Construction Contracts.

52.236-23 Responsibility of the Architect-Engineer Contractor.

52.242-3 Penalties for Unallowable Costs.

52.246-16 Responsibility for Supplies.

52.246-18 Warranty of Supplies of a Complex Nature.

52.246-19 Warranty of Systems and Equipment under Performance Specifications or Design Criteria.

52.246-21 Warranty of Construction.

52.247-21 Contractor Liability for Personal Injury and/or Property Damage.

52.247-22 Contractor Liability for Loss of and/or Damage to Freight other than Household Goods.

52.247-23 Contractor Liability for Loss of and/or Damage to Household Goods.

52.247-58 Loading, Blocking, and Bracing of Freight Car Shipments.

52.215-11 Price Reduction for Defective Certified Cost or Pricing Data-Modifications..

252.237-7025 Preaward Transparency Requirements for Firms Offering to Support Department of Defense Audits—Representation and Disclosure.

252.237-7026 Postaward Transparency Requirements for Firms that Support Department of Defense Audits.

252.228-7007 Public Aircraft and State Aircraft Operations—Liability.

252.227-7019 Validation of Asserted Restrictions--Computer Software.

252.227-7037 Validation of Restrictive Markings on Technical Data.

252.247-7007 Liability and Insurance.

252.247-7014 Demurrage.

252.247-7016 Contractor Liability for Loss or Damage.

1852.245-71 Installation-accountable Government Property.

1852.227-88 Government-furnished computer software and related technical data.

1852.228-70 Aircraft Ground and Flight Risk.

1852.228-71 Aircraft Flight Risks.

1852.228-76 Cross-Waiver of Liability for International Space Station Activities.

1852.228-78 Cross-Waiver of Liability for Science or Space Exploration Activities Unrelated to the International Space Station.

1852.228-80 Insurance - Immunity From Tort Liability.

1852.228-81 Insurance - Partial Immunity From Tort Liability.

1852.228-82 Insurance - Total Immunity From Tort Liability.

1852.236-73 Hurricane Plan.

1852.245-72 Liability for Government property furnished for repair or other services.

3052.209-71 Reserve Officer Training Corps and military recruiting on campus.

3052.217-93 Subcontracts (USCG).

3052.217-95 Liability and insurance (USCG).

3052.217-97 Discharge of liens (USCG).

3052.217-99 Department of Labor Safety and Health Regulations for ship repairing (USCG).

3052.217-100 Guarantee (USCG).

3052.222-70 Strikes or picketing affecting timely completion of the contract work.

3052.222-71 Strikes or picketing affecting access to a DHS facility.

5352.223-9001 Health and Safety on Government Installations

5152.225-5903 Compliance with Laws and Regulations

5152.228-5900 Government Liability for Non-Tactical Vehicles

5152.225-5902 Fitness for Duty and Medical/Dental Care Limitations


552.236-73 Subcontracts.

552.211-70 Substantial Completion.

552.211-76 Charges for Packaging, Packing, and Marking.

552.236-80 Accounting Records and Progress Payments.

552.211-89 Non-Manufactured Wood Packaging Material for Export.

552.236-71 Contractor Responsibilities.

552.236-82 Subcontracts.

552.270-7 Fire and Casualty Damage.

652.236-70 Accident Prevention.

1452.204-70 Release of Claims.

1452.236-72 Preservation of historical and archeological data.

1452.228-72 Liability for Loss or Damage - Department of the Interior.

752.222-71 Nondiscrimination.

752.239-71 Information and Communication Technology Accessibility.

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